Sunday, January 27, 2008

U.S.-inspired aggression toward Venezuela denounced

SOURCE:—“Ortega advierte a Colombia que ALBA responde si ‘toca’ a Venezuela”

Nicaraguan President Ortega joined Venezuela’s President Chavez this week on his radio and television program, “Alo Presidente”, in denouncing United States-incited Colombian aggressions directed towards Venezuela.

Ortega stated that “To touch Venezuela is to ignite the region. We will not stand by.” He also asserted that members of Alternativa Bolivariana para la Americas, or ALBA should unite their military strategies and defense forces to protect against manipulation by the United States. He promised that members of ALBA would assist Venezuela in responding if Colombia attacks.

ALBA, whose members include Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and the Dominican Republic, is Latin America’s answer to the United States-proposed Free Trade Agreement of the Americas, or FTAA. Concerns raised about the United States’ history of interference in Central American politics and economies sparked suggestions that ALBA’s alliance include not just trade, but military components.

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